

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Possible Glimpse of Gaming On The iPad

Okay, this isn’t the iPad, it’s the iTable created by PQLabs. It’s a big screen with multi-touch support and this chap right here is playing Warcraft 3. I’m not a huge fan of Warcraft but I know most people take a liking to these Strategy type games. Nonetheless the game looks absolutely fantastic played on the multitouch screen. At some points he is kind of pounding the screen with his fist, I’m not sure if the iPad can take that kind of abuse though. Either way, the dramatic music makes me anticipate the iPad even more.

Looks interesting – I wonder if we’ll see improvements to games like Assassins Creed, additions to the market like W.O.W and more Strategy and role playing games hitting the market now they can be more enjoyable on the iPads bigger screen.
idrift apple ipad steering wheel accessory 0 300x123 A Possible Glimpse of Gaming On The iPad
A phone without an Accelerometer now is just not a phone. Nowadays it’s a must have and most future touchscreen smart phones with an eye for gaming and landscape texting will definitely need to have one installed. With new products come a whole new line of accessories and the iPad is no different. The iDrift is pretty much a steering wheel attachment to the iPad which allows you to play racing games a bit more realistically..Don’t get too carried away though.
It could be useful but you’d only find the hardcore gamers using this. I’m quite happy just tilting my iPhone. What do you think about the iTable? Could the iPad compete gaming wise? Would you use the iDrift?

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